

  • Cost of investment: from 100 000 EUR

Austria offers more than 10 types of residence permits. Each type has different options: with and without a work permit, to be employed or self-employed.

The issuance of all types of residence permits is regulated by the Austrian Law on temporary and long-term residence (NAG - Niederlassungs - und Aufenthaltsgesetz ).

Residence permit for financially independent persons is regulated by article 44 of the above law. When obtaining this type of residence permit, annual quotas are applied, which are established by government decree.

You receive comprehensive professional support both before applying for a residence permit and after moving to Austria.


About the country

Processing time:

from 3 month

Time to citizenship:

6-10 years

Visa-free regime:

29 countries

Austria is one of the richest European countries with a very high standard of living. Economic stability, safe environment and business opportunities attract entrepreneurs from all over the world.

Despite its relatively small territory, the republic can be proud of its rich cultural and historical heritage and picturesque alpine landscapes.




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Austria for life


Categories of Austrian residence permit

Features of residence permit in Austria

Obtaining a temporary residence permit is the first step towards immigrating to Austria. A residence permit in Austria is issued, as a rule, for a year.The residence permit must be renewed annually or every 3 years. After five years of residence in the country in the status of a residence permit, you can get permanent residence.

Obtaining a residence permit in Austria is not connected with the purchase of real estate, and in the first year after moving, housing will need to be rented: according to Austrian laws, a foreigner needs a residence permit status to buy a home.

The residence permit status obliges to live in Austria for at least 183 days and to know the German language at the A1 level, constantly improving it and raising the level of knowledge.The Austrian authorities strictly monitor the period of stay in the country, for violation they can refuse to extend the residence permit.A residence permit in Austria gives the right to travel around Europe without visas and live in the Schengen countries for up to 90 days in half a year.


Permanent residence and citizenship of Austria

 Permanent residence - a permanent residence permit - in Austria differs from a residence permit in that it does not need to be renewed, it is valid indefinitely. Permanent residence can be obtained after five years of living in Austria in the status of a residence permit and confirmation of knowledge of the German language at level B2.

To obtain a permanent residence permit, a residence permit is suitable, which can be extended: for example, a residence permit for financially independent persons or a residence permit for entrepreneurs. The residence permit is renewed three times: twice for a year and once for three years.

After six or ten years of living in Austria, you can apply for citizenship. Austrian citizenship after six years of residence can be obtained by an applicant who has confirmed knowledge of the German language at level B2, and is also well integrated in the country. In addition, in order to obtain Austrian citizenship, you must officially renounce all your previous citizenships.

Residence permit for financially independent persons
  • Issued by quota: 450 residence permits for the whole world in 2022

  • Can't work or run a business

  • There is a separate place for each family member according to the quota: it may happen that the husband receives a residence permit, but the wife or children do not

  • Suitable for pensioners

  • It is necessary to confirm the knowledge of the German language at level A1 with a certificate

More detailed
Residence permit for entrepreneurs
  • Prepare a business plan and submit it for consideration to the Austrian Employment Service

  • Invest in business from EUR 100 000 or

  • the proposed business creates new jobs or maintains existing jobs, or

  • your industry is related to the transfer of know-how or the introduction of new technologies

  • or your industry is of great importance for the entire region

  • Open a company in Austria

  • Confirm relevant qualifications and experience to carry out the declared activity

Residence permit for highly qualified specialists
  • For example, candidates and doctors of sciences

  • You need to score 70 points out of 100 according to the assessment system of the Austrian Employment Service

  • You can look for a job six months after moving

Residence permit for key specialists
  • You need a job offer from an Austrian company. For example, you work for an international company and you are transferred to an Austrian branch

  • You need to score 55 points out of 90 according to the evaluation system of the Austrian Employment Service

Residence permit for representatives of scarce professions
  • Need a job offer from an Austrian company

  • You need to score 55 points out of 90 according to the evaluation system of the Austrian Employment Service

  • The list of shortage professions is updated by the employment service every year. Several professions from the list of scarce in 2021: nurses and nurses, energy engineers and energy technicians, IT data scientists

Do you have any questions?
We are ready to respond!

Requirements for candidates

  • The minimum age is 18 years

  • No criminal record

  • No open visa denials


Our goal is to simplify the collection of documents as much as possible. After assessing the specific case, the lawyer prepares an individual checklist of documents for you.

  • 1
    Preliminary check
    1 day
  • 2
    Decision and signing of the contract
    2 – 5 days
  • 3
    Preparation and submission of documents
    From 2 weeks
  • 4
    Obtaining a visa D
    Up to 3 months
  • 5
    Obtaining a residence permit in Austria
    Up to 3 months
Get a consultation


Austrian residence permit holders can enjoy visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to 29 Schengen countries


Residence permit

Minimum investment 155 000 EUR

Permanent residence

Minimum investment 300 000 EUR

Residence permit

Minimum investment 500 000 EUR

  • Processing time: 2 - 3 month
  • Time to citizenship: 10 years
  • Visa-free regime: 29 countries
Residence permit

Minimum investment 250 000 EUR/500 000 EURO (в зависимости от региона)

  • Processing time: from 6 month
  • Return on investment: 7 years
  • Visa-free regime: 29 countries
Permanent residence
Permanent residence Malta

Minimum investment 100 000 EUR

  • Processing time: 6 - 8 month
  • Visa-free regime: 29 countries
Citizenship Malta

Minimum investment 650 000 EUR

  • Processing time: 1 or 3 years
  • Visa-free regime: 165 countries
Residence permit
Digital nomad visa in Spain
  • Processing time: 2 - 3 month
  • Visa-free regime: 29 countries

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